We invite you to join a project that aims to teach you about the ecosystem of the New Zealand rain forest and about the creatures that live in it. You will learn about the conservation challenges that we face and due to the extensive training that we provide, you will be able to start making a difference within a week.

You will be contributing to the biodiversity protection of four different forests, each of them having unique properties, be it thousand year old trees or endangered birds such as the kiwi or the kokako.

While with us you will have the opportunity to learn about all the stages involved in the conservation process from planning and preparation to implementation and monitoring. Of course, you will also celebrate our success through the sightings of the rare species that we are trying to protect.

Due to our location at the edge of the forest, a stay at Pupu Rangi is also an opportunity for reconnecting with our natural surroundings. Away from the distractions of modern life, we learn to observe and listen to the forest, hear the songs of birds, or notice the gradual movement of stars along the night sky.

Conservation Volunteer setting a monitoring tunnel
Two volunteers building a stile

A job well done! Stile over the fence completed

Conservation Volunteers New Zealand

Celebrating the completion of the Orange Socks track

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