The Pupu Rangi Nature Sanctuary is an organization dedicated to the protection of New Zealand’s native flora and fauna. Our goal is to protect and extend a vibrant ecosystem while educating others on the importance of environmental conservation.
Each summer we host a small group of international volunteers together with whom we learn, work, and explore our unique rain forest.
The Pupu Rangi Nature Sanctuary is located 250km from a crowded city, 50km from the closest supermarket, 2km from the next door neighbour, and at an arm's length from the Milky Way. We wake up to the song of the birds, we spend all day outdoors attuned to the rhythm of the forest, and at night the moon guides our steps.
Nestled on the slopes of the Tutamoe peak in Northland, New Zealand, the Pupu Rangi Nature Sanctuary consists of 150 hectares of regenerating rainforest. This native forest is classified as having national significance and no logging is allowed within the sanctuary. The sanctuary is protected by a QEII covenant.
We are also located within a greater area in which kiwi are present and one of our long-term goals is to establish and maintain a protection area that will support twenty pairs of resident kiwi birds.
Pupu Rangi is home to other native species of trees and birds that require active protection from introduced pests. Cows, possums, rabbits, and feral goats browse indiscriminately on young plants thus preventing the forest renewal. Possums, stoats, ferrets, and feral cats eat eggs and bird chicks endangering the native species that are not adapted to the introduced mammalian predators. Through different techniques recommended by the Department of Conservation, we try to keep down the numbers of pests to give the seedlings and the native birds a chance to develop and mature.
The Pupu Rangi Nature Sanctuary is currently collaborating with the following organizations:
The Department of Conservation and the Pupu Rangi Nature Sanctuary have signed their second five year Management Agreement that formalizes the excellent collaboration between the two organizations. Our volunteers are performing a number of biodiversity conservation tasks contributing to the protection of the Trounson Kauri Park and Waipoua Forest. Yearly, our volunteers contribute over 1000 hours of effort to the DOC conservation efforts.
Sunrise at the Pupu Rangi Nature Sanctuary
Dinner with volunteers, rangers, and friends
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